Cookieless and privacy-safe ID Graph that will help you reach your audience on every device

Get the holistic view of your target audience with interoperable solution


Reach users on various devices with interoperable ID Graph

Our ID Graph links various data points associated with one user across multiple channels or devices. It helps you to get a full view of your customers by connecting data points from various devices and touchpoints, such as mobile apps or websites.

Better personalization

With a deeper knowledge of your customers, you’ll be able to provide more personalized experiences to your target audience.

Full-view of your users

By linking data from various sources and devices you’ll gain valuable insights into your audiences’ behavior and needs.

Improved effectiveness

Data gathered from multiple channels will help you reach users more effectively, reducing ad spend and improving ROI.


Our data is privacy-compliant. We support industry standards and we’re a partner of the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) initiative by IAB.


is an average number of devices per person in North America


Find your audience globally. Reach users on multiple devices

Using our ID Graph we connect users IDs you have with other IDs connected to those users. As a result, we can provide a holistic view of your clients whom you can then reach on various platforms & markets.

Our solution is cookieless and interoperable, which means we can use a chosen ID and find your target groups’ alternate ID. For example, we can change a Cookie ID into Mobile ID.

Contact us and let’s talk about finding your ideal audience.

We provide both segments ready for targeting in programmatic campagins and raw data for enrichment processes.

Privacy-compliance data that will empower your marketing

We provide data in compliance with privacy laws. We care about users’ privacy and we are a partner of IAB’s initiatives that help companies to comply with digital privacy regulations - Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF).

Let’s talk about reaching your users on multiple devices

Contact us and schedule a meeting to talk about our ID graph