We comply with GDPR & CCPA

Adttribution complies with data privacy laws such as GDPR & CCPA. Audits of our products and services confirmed that we comply with data privacy regulations. We are a partner of the Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF) by IAB Europe, which helps companies to comply with privacy laws.

How do we collect and process privacy-safe data?

We collect raw data from various sources and devices, and we process only GDPR and CCPA compliant data. We respect users' consents and we pay close attention to types of the data we gather from our partners (publishers, media buyers, media sellers etc.).

We collect raw data from various sources and devices

Information is processed in compliance with data privacy laws

We store and share only trusted, privacy-safe data

We provide high-quality data in compliance with privacy laws

Legal analyses confirmed the compliance of our services with GDPR

We process only
privacy-safe data

Want to learn more about our data privacy?